2009 Mar 01 7:48 AM
Hi All,
I have a situation where I have to loop at a table and fill an internal table while incrementing the variable name of the internal table at the same time.
For instance I have three variables: var1, var2 and var3. In the first loop I want to assign the value to Var1, in the 2nd loop to var2 and in the third loop to var3 and so on.
types: Begin of t_second
var1 TYPE C,
var2 TYPE C,
var3 TYPE C,
end of t_second.
data : gt_second type table of t_second,
wa_second type t_second.
LOOP at gt_first into wa_first.
MOVE: wa_first-var TO wa_second-var1, <---- in the 2nd loop I want to make this var1 to var2 and so on.
APPEND wa_first TO gt_second
CLEAR wa_first
Will it be possible to achieve this with ABAP?
Edited by: mark mark on Mar 1, 2009 8:49 AM
2009 Mar 01 8:16 AM
PERFORM: sy-tabix OF sub1 sub2 sub3.
as the value of sy-tabix increases value subroutine will be executed.
When SY-tabix = 1--->SUB1
When 2----->SUB2
TYPES: BEGIN OF t_second,
var1 TYPE c,
var2 TYPE c,
var3 TYPE c,
END OF t_second.
DATA : gt_second TYPE TABLE OF t_second,
wa_second TYPE t_second,
wa_first(20) TYPE c,
gt_first TYPE TABLE OF t_second.
wa_first = 'TEST'.
append wa_first to gt_first.
wa_first = 'TEST'.
append wa_first to gt_first.
wa_first = 'TEST'.
append wa_first to gt_first.
LOOP AT gt_first INTO wa_first.
PERFORM: sy-tabix OF sub1 sub2 sub3.
* MOVE: wa_first TO wa_second-var1. " <---- in the 2nd loop i want to make this var1 to var2 and so on.
APPEND wa_first TO gt_second.
CLEAR wa_first.
*& Form sub1
* text
FORM sub1.
MOVE: wa_first TO wa_second-var1.
ENDFORM. "sub1
*& Form sub2
* text
FORM sub2.
MOVE: wa_first TO wa_second-var2.
ENDFORM. "sub2
*& Form sub3
* text
FORM sub3.
MOVE: wa_first TO wa_second-var3.
ENDFORM. "sub3
2009 Mar 01 8:36 AM
you can use case endcase statement.
LOOP at gt_first into wa_first.
CASE sy-tabix.
when 1.
MOVE: wa_first-var TO wa_second-var1.
when 2.
MOVE: wa_first-var TO wa_second-var2.
when 3.
MOVE: wa_first-var TO wa_second-var3.
when others.
message for no variable to transfer data
APPEND wa_first TO gt_second.
CLEAR wa_first.
2009 Aug 11 8:44 PM
2009 Aug 12 12:27 AM
I understood your Requirement. I am giving you one dynamic Solution. This is applicable in all cases. Like Uploading data from Excel, or Building Dynamic fieldcats.
data: Begin of wa1,
var type char10, " (take any length you want)
end of wa1,
itab1 like standard table of wa1.
data: begin of wa2,
var1 type char6,
var2 type char7,
var3 type char8,
var4 type char9,
var5 type char10,
end of wa2,
itab2 like standard table of wa2.
field-symbols: <FS1> type any.
parameters: p_a RADIOBUTTON GROUP gr1 default 'X', " fill in diagonal
p_b RADIOBUTTON GROUP gr1. " fill in left triangle
wa1-var = 'Balaji'. Append wa1 to itab1.
wa1-var = 'Balaji1'. Append wa1 to itab1.
wa1-var = 'Balaji12'. Append wa1 to itab1.
wa1-var = 'Balaji123'. Append wa1 to itab1.
wa1-var = 'Balaji1234'. Append wa1 to itab1.
loop at itab1 into wa1.
assign component sy-tabix of structure wa2 to <FS1>.
if sy-subrc = 0.
<fs1> = wa1-var.
append wa2 to itab2.
unassign <fs1>.
if p_b is INITIAL.
clear: wa2.
Try this one.
Thank you,
Balaji Peethani.
2009 Aug 12 5:52 AM
This is the sample code:
data variable type char5.
data no type char2.
data vartab type table of char5 with header line.
do 5 times.
pack sy-tabix to no.
concatenate 'Var' no into variable.
append variable to vartab.
loop at vartab.
write: / vartab.
Hope this helps you.
2009 Aug 12 5:55 AM
I hope you adopt one of the last three solutions. The others are nice efforts, but not right.
2009 Aug 12 7:00 AM
Hi mark,
kindly chk the followingg code , it works according to the requirement.
types: Begin of t_second,
var1 TYPE C,
var2 TYPE C,
var3 TYPE C,
end of t_second.
data : gt_second type table of t_second,
wa_second type t_second.
types: begin of t_first,
var type c,
end of t_first.
data: gt_first type table of t_first,
wa_first type t_first.
data: w_idx type i value 1.
do 9 times.
wa_first-var = sy-index.
append wa_first to gt_first.
LOOP at gt_first into wa_first.
case w_idx.
when 1.
CLEAR wa_second.
MOVE: wa_first-var TO wa_second-var1.
APPEND wa_second TO gt_second.
w_idx = 2.
when 2.
CLEAR wa_second.
MOVE: wa_first-var TO wa_second-var2.
APPEND wa_second TO gt_second.
w_idx = 3.
when 3.
CLEAR wa_second.
MOVE: wa_first-var TO wa_second-var3.
APPEND wa_second TO gt_second.
w_idx = 1.
loop at gt_second into wa_second.
write:/ wa_second-var1,