2005 Aug 29 5:05 AM
Hi Everyone,
In my screens using screen painter, I have certain text fields, for which I want to the text lenth to be 40 char long and the the visible length to be 12 c long.
But in screen painter I am not able to increase the text length, when i execute the program i can only enter the texts up to 12 which is visible length. How do I achieve this.
Any help on this will be greatly appreciated.
2005 Aug 29 5:15 AM
go to the layout editor in se51
select the field & view its attributes
there u can set defined length & visible lengh
defined length = 40
visible lengh = 12
save & activate this .
2005 Aug 29 5:35 AM
For doing so define that as a type <b>STRING</b> It will take all what u type.
U can get what u need, hope this solves ur problem.