2007 Dec 11 5:19 AM
Hi, everyone.
I try to create a Include Program, and follow the rules, but when I check it, the compiler give me " REPROT/PROGRAM statement missing, or program type is I(INCLUDE).". But if I add " Include ZTEST" to the first line of the program, it'll be no error.
I found some other Include Programs, and there is no 'Include XXX' in the front.Could you explain this?
Thanks in advance!
2007 Dec 11 5:28 AM
Hi feng,
Include program is not a executable program in that you do not specify REPORT/PROGRAM/INCLUDE in the first line when you compail your include program the error will come like that ( If you do not refer it in any other program ) leave it there is no problem when your include program is refered by any executable program or module program the error wiill not come.
Plz Reward if it is userful,
2007 Dec 11 5:26 AM
u hav to use that include program in other report program or other function module..
then u will not get this error..
2007 Dec 11 5:27 AM
hi feng,
for include programs SAP gives the message like that.
its not an error, instead SAP intimating you that it is not an executable one directly.
using another exuecutable program you can run this.
activate it even though you got that message and use that in another executable program.
dont worry about the message " REPROT/PROGRAM statement missing, or program type is I(INCLUDE).".
2007 Dec 11 5:28 AM
Just Activate ur include program and use it in excutable program , no need to check include program (syntax error checking ).
2007 Dec 11 5:28 AM
Hi feng,
Include program is not a executable program in that you do not specify REPORT/PROGRAM/INCLUDE in the first line when you compail your include program the error will come like that ( If you do not refer it in any other program ) leave it there is no problem when your include program is refered by any executable program or module program the error wiill not come.
Plz Reward if it is userful,
2007 Dec 11 5:36 AM
2007 Dec 11 5:39 AM
Check the below flow to find the problem.
Main program (executable program):
Z90VJ_A989_01 : Included 2 include programs
INCLUDE z90vj_a989_01top.
INCLUDE z90vj_a989_01f01.
The statement 'REPORT z90vj_a989_01' generally written in the top of Z90VJ_A989_01. Now if you open any of the include files and try for sytax check, it gives an error as "REPROT/PROGRAM statement missing, or program type is I(INCLUDE)."
Try to place 'REPORT z90vj_a989_01' under the first include (i.e., INCLUDE z90vj_a989_01top.) So that the error will disappear.
You can try the same in your program.
No need to worry about this error. you can activate the program from the executable program instead from Include.
2007 Dec 11 5:50 AM
include program is not an executable program,so u cannot execute it directly.U have to include it (as the name says) in some other function or report to execute it.other wise sap will give an intimation.