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in alv

Former Member
0 Kudos

I am getting output as 200,000. In alv i want to display as 200000 ie without any comma. the variable is of type p.


Former Member
0 Kudos

In field catelog make the INTTYPE = ' I ' which will consider it as integer and not add comma

<b>gs_fcat-inttype = ' I '.</b>

Rewards if useful.....................


Active Contributor
0 Kudos


in put</b>

1 report ztx0906.

2 constants >(3) value '==>'. "defines a constant named '>'

3 data: fc(10) type c value '-A1B2C3.4',

4 fn(10) type n,

5 fp type p,

6 fd type d,

7 ft type t,

8 fx(4) type x,

9 fc1(5) type c value '-1234',

10 fc2(5) type c value '1234-',

11 fp1 type p value 123456789,

12 fp2 type p value '123456789-',

13 fp3 type p value 1234567899,

14 fp4 type p value 12345678901,

15 fp5 type p value 12345,

16 fp6 type p value 0.


18 fn = fc. write: / fc, >, fn, 'non-numeric chars are ignored'.

19 fd = 'ABCDE'. write: / fd, 'date and time fields are invalid'.

20 ft = 'ABCDE'. write: / ft, ' when you load them with junk'.

21 fp = sy-datum. write: / sy-datum, >, fp, 'd->p: days since 0001/01/01'.

22 fp = sy-uzeit. write: / sy-uzeit, >, fp, 'd->t: secs since midnight'.

23 fx = 'A4 B4'. write: / 'A4 B4', >, fx, 'ignore all after invalid char'.

24 fp = fc1. write: / fc1, >, fp, 'allows leading sign'.

25 fp = fc2. write: / fc2, >, fp, 'also allows trailing sign'.

26 fc = fp1. write: / fp1, >, fc, 'rightmost byte reserved for sign'.

27 fc = fp2. write: / fp2, >, fc, 'only negative numbers use it, but'.

28 fc = fp3. write: / fp3, >, fc, '+ve nums that need it use it too'.

29 fc = fp4. write: / fp4, >, fc, 'overflow indicated by leading *'.

30 fc = fp5. write: / fp5, >, fc, 'leading zeros are suppressed'.

31 fc = fp6. write: / fp6, >, fc, 'zero in = zero out'.

32 fp = ' '. write: / ' ', >, fp, 'blanks in = zero out'.

<b>out put</b>

-A1B2C3.4 ==> 0000001234 non-numeric chars are ignored

E ABCD date and time fields are invalid

ABCDE0 when you load them with junk

1998/02/22 ==> 729,443 d->p: days since 0001/01/01

14:57:05 ==> 53,825 d->t: secs since midnight

A4 B4 ==> A4000000 ignore all after invalid char

-1234 ==> 1,234- allows leading sign

1234- ==> 1,234- also allows trailing sign

123,456,789 ==> 123456789 rightmost byte reserved for sign

123,456,789- ==> 123456789- only negative numbers use it, but

1,234,567,899 ==> 1234567899 +ve nums that need it use it too

12,345,678,901 ==> *345678901 overflow indicated by leading *

12,345 ==> 12345 leading zeros are suppressed

0 ==> 0 zero in = zero out

==> 0 blanks in = zero out



Former Member
0 Kudos


check this one

data : a type p decimals 3 value 200.

data : b type string.

b = a.

replace all occurrences of '.' in b with space.

write : / a,
