2022 Nov 07 8:38 AM
I have uploaded internal table data into CSV file in particular path, but when i open that file, it is getting error-
''it is not text file''.what should i do?
2022 Nov 07 8:43 AM
How did you uploaded that file?
Common mistake is not using correct data size of binary file (number of bytes)...
2022 Nov 07 8:57 AM
i have given path
my code:
CONSTANTS: lv_path2 LIKE filename-pathintern VALUE ' ' .
DATA: lv_file2 TYPE aptfd.
DATA:lv_file_dest TYPE localfile.
client = sy-mandt
logical_path = lv_path2
file_name = lv_file2
file_name_with_path = lv_file_dest.
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
* Implement suitable error handling here