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Import to another server

Former Member
0 Kudos

I hav release my transport request,but dnt know how to import it on another server..........plz guide me in this..


Active Contributor
0 Kudos


when you have released your request it goes into import queue of the target server.

now login into target server and use transaction 'STMS' to import the request into server.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Dheeraj

Importing to other servers depends on the mechanisms implemented in your server.

Very common mehanisms are:

1. Via transaction STMS:
   After getting to transaction STMS, click on Transport Overview(F5) from application toolbar.
   This lists the defined transporting layers.
   Select the server to where it has to be imported. Double click on the same.
   Always better to refresh in the next screen to have latest requests.
   Select the request to be imported.
   Use menupath: Request -> Import.
   In the next dialog give the client number, select Synchronous from Execution tab.
   Now select, this will start the importing session. It might ask for login if you are trying to import from Development.

2. Via UNIX Commands.

Kind Regards


0 Kudos

thnx Eswar...

i hav done same as u told....but when i clicked on IMPORT REQUEST(ctrl + F11).It is giving this INFORMATION "Transport files for request SKYK902107 must still be transferred".

Please Guide Me in this

0 Kudos

Hi Dheeraj

Please check via transaction SE10 that all objects of request are released and not locked.

Kind Regards


0 Kudos

their is one green type arrow sign in front of my released request......which is saying tat "Transport file must also be transferred"....can u help me plz.....

0 Kudos

their is one green type arrow sign in front of my released request......which is saying tat "Transport file must also be transferred"....can u help me plz.....

their is one key on application bar "Adjust Import Queue"...can u plz tell wat & how to use it??May be after tat probl. will b solved

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi dheeraj,

1. That is usually done by basis team.

2. We have to give them the request number,

and they will import it manually.


amit m.