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Import data from cluster table PCL2 filtered

Former Member
0 Kudos


i'd like to know if it is possible to import data from cluster table PCL2 indicating a filter.

I'll give you a filter example to understand what i need:

"Get all the employees with an amount greater than 1000u20AC in wage type 9000 in november 2008"

One aproach to answer this question is to get each employee in the company 1 by 1 importing their payroll results for november 2008 and getting RX area to see if wage typ 9000 is greater than 1000u20AC.

This aproach is extremely unefficient if you have many employees in your company, because you have to read all of them. I'm wondering if it is possible to get directly from the database only the employees that acomplish the condition.

Thank you


Former Member
0 Kudos

There is no way other than get the payroll results for the given pernr in the given period

and get required data for lgart = 9000.