2005 Apr 28 3:37 PM
Hi all.
I'm trying to implement the BADI BUPA_GENERAL_UPDATE in CRM. I'm using the Function Module BUP_BUPA_MEMORY_GET_ALL for getting the data but after make changes how i can set it to the buffer ?
2005 Apr 28 3:55 PM
Hi Armando!
I'm not sure, which data you like to change (what's buffer in this circumstance?), but checking interface definition of your BADI I found following:
Method CHANGE_BEFORE_UPDATE has just on <i>import</i> parameter. So SAP hasn't allowed changes before saving, they just give you the chance to make some own stuff before saving (e.g. insert into Z-table...).
2005 Apr 28 3:55 PM
Hi Armando!
I'm not sure, which data you like to change (what's buffer in this circumstance?), but checking interface definition of your BADI I found following:
Method CHANGE_BEFORE_UPDATE has just on <i>import</i> parameter. So SAP hasn't allowed changes before saving, they just give you the chance to make some own stuff before saving (e.g. insert into Z-table...).
2005 Apr 28 8:27 PM
Thank You.
I was trying to take some data from BUT000 and make a mapping with BU_SORT1 and BU_SORT2, i can take the corresponding table from the buffer with the function module that i mentioned before, make changes but after how i cant put it in the buffer ? does is it possible ? do i need use user exit for this case ?
2005 Apr 29 6:39 AM
If you like to change data, which was not defined by coding of the exit in beforehand, have a look at statement assign, part dynamical assign. But be careful, it's as bad as making a modification.
Instead I searched some minutes function modules of group BUD0. If there is any standard way to change global memory (buffer), then it's using parts of same function group. Up to now my search was without success (BUP_BUPA_EVENT_DSAVE would make changes, but also to the database).
Just go on!
2005 Apr 29 11:53 PM
Maybe i have not been explicit.
I'm trying to set some information when a BP is being created or modified. I need an user-exit or BADI for using before update where i can fill BU_SORT1 and BU_SORT2 with predefined texts. I was trying with the BADI mentioned before and the function module BUP_BUPA_MEMORY_GET_ALL but how i can put the modified data in memory after make changes ?
I was trying with the BADI BUPA_UPDATE where the BP is in Data Base but is waiting for a COMMIT, when i call the BAPI_BUPA_CHANGE it is raising an exception.
Any ideas ? What i need to do ?
Message was edited by: Armando Rodríguez
Message was edited by: Armando Rodríguez
2005 May 19 10:21 AM
It's too late for using BUPA_GENERAL_UPDATE
because before being in your BADI, the system has launch in update task the module function BUP_BUPA_UPDATE with BUT000 (before your modification)
In my case I have used BADI BUPA_GENERAL_EXPORT, and after module function BUP_MEMORY_BUT000_FILL to update structure but000. In function group BUD_MEM, you can find others MF....
hope this helps
2005 May 25 3:51 PM
I am just searching for updating Customer include fields of BUT000 into BUT000. I have found this messsage, not sure whether is this the right one!
Could any help me in the logic to update the Z included fields in Business master table.
Am looking for events in BDT whether they can help me out in this series..
ISSTA Initialize
ISDST Distribute data
XCHNG Were changes made?
DSAVB Collect data
DLVE1 Initialize current memory
if anyone has already done pls let me know whether am on right track or which BADI is the right one.
Thanks for your valuable inputs..
Message was edited by: Manohar Reddy KALLEM
2005 May 26 7:19 PM
Hi Armando Rodríguez,
Seems this problem was solved. Can you pls help in solving this problem.
Message was edited by: Manohar