2007 Mar 22 8:37 PM
Hi All -
I am using BADI 'APPREQUEST_UPDATE' to get the values of an Appropriation Request during creation. But I am unable to get the 'plan values' in the 'variants' tab. I need to check 'Investment Cost ' and 'Overhead Cost' values after save to determine whether to send mail for approval or not. Does anyone have any idea how to access these values during request creation , at this time the values are not updated to table BPEJ and BPJA ....
2007 Oct 19 8:52 AM
Hi Arup,
I am alos having the same requirement.
Could please give me some clue abt how to get those values inside or any workaround for the same?
It will be a gr8 help for me.
Thank you,