2008 May 21 6:19 AM
Dear Experts,
Stadard Tcode : ES30.
Here, Rate Category field is a monditory field. If the user enter a wrong entry in that field, give a message ie. " Enter value is not exist " and return cursor to the same field or screen without saving.
In my case, giving message and but saving.
I have used a user exit for this requirement.
It should not save and the cursor should return back to that field or screen.
Could you please help me out
Reward points for helpful answer!!
2008 May 21 6:48 AM
After you display the error, use a RETURN statement so that the below codelines are not execute.
2008 May 21 6:32 AM
2008 May 21 6:48 AM
After you display the error, use a RETURN statement so that the below codelines are not execute.
2008 May 21 7:02 AM
2008 May 21 7:06 AM
After you display the message , make sure you save code is not executed, it exits the PAI and PBO of your screen is executed.
2008 May 21 7:17 AM
Thank you for your reply.
I want to execute my code(message) and rest of all standard code is executed(automatically & we cant control), but should not save, if i entered wrong value in the Rate category field(manditory) when I pressed SAVE button.
help me out
2008 May 21 7:30 AM
What you need to do is, at the place where you call you message, set a flag if the error message is executed and based on this flag, control the execution of the standard program.
This is just an idea since i do not know the flow of the program.
2008 May 21 8:05 AM
I have come to know that, we can't control the execution of standard program with Function Module Exit and customer code. If screen exit available, it might be possible.
So, thank you for your kind reply.