2009 Jun 01 10:00 PM
Hi All,
We are setting up Quotation Management (VA21) for our client. We need to trigger Idoc from SAP to downward system. We have set up some custom status for a quotation to lie in like Pending Approval, approval not required, Approved, etc. The IDoc needs to be triggered whenever there is a change in status. Status change will be done manually or through workflows.
I need to set up the process (trigger IDoc) whenever there is a change in the status. I have defined output for IDoc also. Can anyone help me with this.
2009 Jun 02 9:02 AM
Through Change Pointers method you can trigger the IDOC when the status change is done thru manually or workflows
2009 Jun 02 2:50 PM
Can you please tell me the method for change pointers?