2008 Sep 24 11:27 AM
Hi ,
I am checking the fields from the Idoc invoic02 and checking all the segments. But I am not getting some important fields like BUKRS from either of the segment in this IDOC. So how to find out a field from the segment?
2008 Sep 24 11:34 AM
Segment: E1EDK14
Field : ORGID where QUALF = '011'.
You can see the list of qualifiers in,
SE11 --> DOMAIN: EDI_QUALFO & In Value Range Tab.
2008 Sep 24 11:34 AM
Segment: E1EDK14
Field : ORGID where QUALF = '011'.
You can see the list of qualifiers in,
SE11 --> DOMAIN: EDI_QUALFO & In Value Range Tab.
2008 Sep 24 1:09 PM
Hi Asik
How do you know ORGID field can be used for BUKRS?
How did you decide that segment?
2008 Sep 25 5:29 AM
In case of set of data(chance of having more than one) like
partner numbers( ship-to-party, sold-to-party,...),
organizational data(company code, cost center,...) ,
SAP uses single segment with a field and qualifier.
Based on the qualifiers, we have to identify the data.
2008 Sep 24 11:35 AM
The company code is held on segment E1EDK14 with a qualifier of 003, the field orgid has the company code.
If you look at function module IDOC_OUTPUT_INVOIC you will see how the qualifiers are used.
2008 Sep 24 11:43 AM
You copy the segment and paste in WE31 ...in display mode you can see the fields which are persent in Segment....or WE30.
2008 Sep 25 7:48 AM
If you are using the Standard Selection Program IDOC_OUTPUT_INVOIC, then it should be able to automatically populate the BUKRS field in the respective segment.
However, we may have some exceptional scenarios where the data is not populated. In this case, what I would suggest is to Use one of the Customer Exits EXIT_SAPLVEDF_002 in which you can access the INT_EDIDD Internal table and for the qualifier 011, check if the ORGID is populated. If it is not, then manually write the Queries and populate the Same.
Please note that while Modifying the INT_EDIDD table from the WA_EDIDD work area, make sure to use the INDEX addition in the MODIFY ITAB FROM WA_TAB syntax. Otherwise, you'll get a Short Dump.
Hope it would be useful.
Thanks and Regards,
Venkat Phani Prasad Konduri