2009 Jan 29 8:23 AM
Is it possible to reduce the idoc for ORDERS05? I used BD53 and gave a new message type ZORDERS and it is asking for with reference to message type...I am not able to see orders there.
Can anyone suggest how to proceed here?Is it something that only master idoc can be reduced?Pls suggest.
2009 Jan 29 8:26 AM
Why do you want to send ORDERS05 via ALE? I don't think any business want to replicate transactional documents?
If you want reduces ORDERS05 via EDI you can do it within one of several user exits within IDOC_OUTPUT_ORDERS. I can't think of any other way possible
2009 Jan 30 8:27 PM
If you've just tried to enter ORDERS in there, you would've seen this message:
"There is no data maintained in the reduction pool for message type ORDERS
Message no. B1121
This transaction is used for maintaining and displaying reduced message types. In the standard not all message types can be reduced.
There is no data in the reduction tool for message type ORDERS.
Use the transaction WE30 for maintaining and displaying the associated intermediate document type, or use the transaction BD60 to maintain the data for the reduction tool."
But I wouldn't recommend reducing the IDoc - it's more trouble than it's worth IMHO.
2009 Mar 17 4:32 PM
I suggest you to use IDoc views instead, you can use WE32 and create a reduced IDoc and include mandatory segments and only those relevant for you. This may be an option you are looking for.
2009 Mar 17 4:40 PM
if you are already using the idoc and with the same idoc if you want to reduce the some segments.
the use user exit and read the segment and clear work area and modify the data records again
or if you are creating the new idoc copy the segments necessary and assign it idoc type and mesage type and assign the fm to it and assign the process code .
2009 Mar 18 10:57 AM
2010 Nov 18 7:41 AM
Could you tell me, how you solved your problem? I have the same problem right now.
Best regards
2012 Jun 28 6:36 AM
Hi Jeyananth ,
I am having a scenario where i have to reduce the idoc for ORDERS05 .But when I am using BD53 it's giving an error . Kindly guide me to resolve this issue .
Thanks & Regards,
2015 Jun 30 9:46 PM