2021 May 26 4:03 AM
Hi All,
I am trying to add new E1EDPT1/T2 segments for INVOIC02 idoc via customer exit.
Here in order to add this, I am identifying if E1EDP01 is available, and as soon as I see it, I add E1EDPT1/T2 under it.
I have taken care to add hierarchy levels as well.
But the final IDOC comes out without any hierarchy in the structure.
Can you please share your expertise on how to handle it ? Many thanks in advance.
2021 May 26 7:01 AM
Please tell us what customer exit it is? Could you show the contents of the IDoc segment(s) you add, and all the components you fill?
2021 May 26 7:44 AM
Exit used - EXIT_SAPLVEDF_002
Code :
ls_edidd-segnam = 'E1EDPT1'.
ls_e1edpt1-tdid = 'ZOUT'.
ls_e1edpt1-tsspras = is_dobject-spras.
WRITE is_dobject-spras TO ls_e1edpt1-tsspras_iso.
MOVE ls_e1edpt1 TO ls_edidd-sdata.
APPEND ls_edidd TO ct_int_edidd_tab.
CLEAR ls_edidd.