2007 Jul 18 11:00 AM
Hi All,
regarding IDOC generation....
how do we activate the message type so that every time the application data which is created or changed or deleted generates the idoc and send it to other system. If iam not using Chnage pointers technique then i would not be activating the message type in BD50. In such case ie if the message type is not present in BD50 list and if change pointers is not used to transfer that message type . How do we genrate the idoc for such message types.
2007 Jul 18 11:04 AM
For ur scenario u need to go for change pointers method only.U have other options like distributing master data and transactional data..But i don't think anything otherthan change pointers is useful.
2007 Jul 18 11:18 AM
Have you tried to define the message through the transaction NACE?
In that way you can configure the sending of the message at 'SAVING APPLICATION'.
I've got this configuration in my system and it work!
hope this helps!