2009 Mar 06 9:46 AM
Dear All,
There is an requirement to generate IDOC error report.
Normally t.codes we02 / we05 are used to see the idoc errors. I would like to know whether any transparent tables are available to see the error log.
More specially, I need to generate an report with IDOC Numer + Error Description as an output.
If any clues, please pass on the same.
2009 Mar 06 9:52 AM
Welcome to SDN.
Please read Rules of Engagement before posting queries.
Check the table EDIDS
2009 Mar 06 10:03 AM
Thanks for your suggesion.
EDIDS contains only error status. I need to fetch the detailed error of particular idoc, if did not get posted.
2009 Mar 06 10:25 AM
Define one internal table type BDIDOCSTAT .
FORM status_update TABLES p_ig_messtab STRUCTURE bdcmsgcoll
p_idoc_status STRUCTURE bdidocstat
USING p_idoc_status1
LOOP AT p_ig_messtab.
p_idoc_status-docnum = p_docnum.
p_idoc_status-status = p_idoc_status1.
p_idoc_status-msgty = p_ig_messtab-msgtyp.
p_idoc_status-msgid = p_ig_messtab-msgid.
p_idoc_status-msgno = p_ig_messtab-msgnr.
p_idoc_status-msgv1 = p_ig_messtab-msgv1.
p_idoc_status-msgv2 = p_ig_messtab-msgv2.
p_idoc_status-msgv3 = p_ig_messtab-msgv3.
p_idoc_status-msgv4 = p_ig_messtab-msgv4.
APPEND p_idoc_status.
You'll get idoc num , status and message correspondingly
Hope this helps u...
Edited by: anil sasidharan on Mar 6, 2009 3:55 PM
Edited by: anil sasidharan on Mar 6, 2009 3:57 PM
2009 Mar 06 10:54 AM
Thanks Anil !!
I hope that, your code will work if we are using BDC program wherein error message get stored in bdcmsgcoll table. We can read the table and display as error report.
I can explain in detail what I was expecting....
1. Go to T.code WE02 / WE05
2. Execute the above t.code with status '51'
3. Report get executed with list of idoc's with status '51'.
4. Click on Selected IDocs.
5. We'll get the details of IDOC like 'Control Rec.', 'Data records' & 'Status records'
6. Click on 'Status Records' node, it will display error message as 'Application document not posted'
7. Under '51', you will get the detailed descriptions.
I would like to extract the detailed descrptions as an report with IDOC number and other details from 'Data record' section.
We are using ECC 6.0
If anyone has done it earlier, please pass on the same.
2009 Mar 06 10:59 AM
Hello Ramki
If you are working already on SAP releases >= 6.20 then you have the standard report
RSEIDOCA (Active IDoc Monitoring as of Release 6.10)
available. Unfortunately this report triggers only a workflow which I am not really fond of.
Therefore, I have created a report ZRSEIDOCA which has an e-mail interface as well. Fore more details please refer to thread
2014 Sep 18 11:54 AM
I have to work on a similar scenario where I need to collect the Idoc status and trigger an email. Could you please share your logic so that it is helpful for me.
2013 Nov 13 12:43 PM
HI Ramki,
Sorry its been long time you have posted this thread.
I have the same kind of requirement ,
Am fetching the Error Idoc from EDIDC Error status 51 and mestyp-matmas
and for all entries fetching the EDIDS for Appl_log number .
I found one FM APPL_LOG_DISPLAY_WITH_LOGNO which takes Log no and displays whole Logs for that Idoc
I want only error logs from here to append in my local internal table.
If you could remember , please reply
2013 Nov 14 12:27 PM
Hi Nagarj,
I haven't found anything, If you answer, please post.
2014 Sep 22 6:20 AM
Hi Ramki ,
Below is the code to read the error messages also for Inbound IDOC , For Out bound you have to relay on the EDIDS record only ......
Inbound : Application Log will have detailed messages for each and every error.
TABLES : edidc.
TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_final ,
docnum TYPE edidc-docnum,
status TYPE edidc-status,
direct TYPE edidc-direct,
rcvprn TYPE edidc-rcvprn,
sndprn TYPE edidc-sndprn,
credat TYPE edidc-credat,
last_run TYPE edids-credat,
cretim TYPE edidc-cretim,
mestyp TYPE edidc-mestyp,
message TYPE char255,
END OF ty_final.
DATA : lt_final TYPE TABLE OF ty_final,
ls_final TYPE ty_final,
lt_messages TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF balm,
ls_messages TYPE balm.
SELECT * FROM edidc INTO TABLE lt_edidc
WHERE upddat BETWEEN lv_date AND sy-datum
AND status IN s_staus
AND direct = c_2
AND mestyp IN s_mestyp
AND credat BETWEEN lv_date AND sy-datum
AND cretim BETWEEN lv_ltime AND sy-uzeit
AND rcvpor = lv_rcvpor
AND rcvprt = lv_rcvprt
AND rcvprn = lv_rcvprn
AND sndpor = lv_sndpor
AND sndprt = lv_sndprt
AND sndprn = lv_sndprn
ORDER BY PRIMARY KEY. " select the failed Idocs
SORT lt_edidc BY docnum ASCENDING.
WHERE docnum = lt_edidc-docnum.
SORT lt_edids BY docnum ASCENDING countr DESCENDING.
CATCH cx_sy_dyn_table_ill_comp_val. "#EC NO_HANDLER
LOOP AT lt_edids INTO ls_edids.
lv_extnum = ls_edids-docnum.
CALL FUNCTION 'APPL_LOG_READ_DB' " To get Application Log details for Each Idoc
object = '*'
subobject = '*'
external_number = lv_extnum
date_to = sy-datum
time_from = '000000'
time_to = sy-uzeit
log_class = '4'
program_name = '*'
transaction_code = '*'
user_id = ' '
mode = '+'
put_into_memory = ' '
messages = lt_messages.
DELETE lt_messages WHERE lognumber NE ls_edids-appl_log. " Delete Messeages where APPl_log NE latest
DELETE lt_messages WHERE msgty NE 'E'. " delete other than Error messages
LOOP AT lt_messages INTO ls_messages.
id = ls_messages-msgid
lang = 'EN'
no = ls_messages-msgno
v1 = ls_messages-msgv1
v2 = ls_messages-msgv2
v3 = ls_messages-msgv3
v4 = ls_messages-msgv4
msg = l_msg. " Actual Error Message received
ls_final-docnum = ls_edids-docnum.
ls_final-status = ls_edids-status.
ls_final-last_run = ls_edids-credat.
ls_final-cretim = ls_edids-cretim.
ls_final-message = l_msg.
CLEAR : ls_edidc.
READ TABLE lt_edidc INTO ls_edidc WITH KEY docnum = ls_edids-docnum.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
ls_final-credat = ls_edidc-credat.
ls_final-direct = ls_edidc-direct.
ls_final-rcvprn = ls_edidc-rcvprn.
ls_final-sndprn = ls_edidc-sndprn.
ls_final-mestyp = ls_edidc-mestyp.
APPEND ls_final TO lt_final. " Final Table will have Failed Idocs with Error Messages
CLEAR ls_final.
IF lt_messages IS INITIAL.
CLEAR ls_final.
ls_final-docnum = ls_edids-docnum.
ls_final-status = ls_edids-status.
ls_final-last_run = ls_edids-credat.
ls_final-cretim = ls_edids-cretim.
CLEAR : l_msg.
CONCATENATE ls_edids-stapa1 ls_edids-stapa2 ls_edids-stapa3 ls_edids-stapa4 INTO l_msg SEPARATED BY space.
CONDENSE l_msg .
ls_final-message = l_msg.
CLEAR : ls_edidc.
READ TABLE lt_edidc INTO ls_edidc WITH KEY docnum = ls_edids-docnum.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
ls_final-credat = ls_edidc-credat.
ls_final-direct = ls_edidc-direct.
ls_final-rcvprn = ls_edidc-rcvprn.
ls_final-sndprn = ls_edidc-sndprn.
ls_final-mestyp = ls_edidc-mestyp.
APPEND ls_final TO lt_final.
Final Table will now have all the error reasons for each and every Idoc ....
Hope this will help your requirement
2014 Sep 22 9:12 AM
2014 Sep 22 10:30 AM
2014 Sep 22 10:42 AM
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