2012 Jul 02 12:05 PM
Hi All, I have a requirement wherein we are required to pick the changed data records from std SAP tables. These needs to be picked up by Informatica( no SAP enhancments like IDOCS etc), hence, need to find ways to identify rows which have been changed in these tables. Please share your views on this requirement. All suggestions are welcomed. Please let me know if you need more clarifications.
an e.g. - we have a field 'Changed On' in EKPO which can be used(i suppose) to check if the field is changed, but there is no such field in EKKO, so how to proceed in such cases.
PS: CDHDR and CDPOS is an option but due to the large no of entries in these tables, we are keeping this option on hold.
2012 Jul 31 10:17 AM
Hi Deepak,
I hope SAP note # 395569, which you can find on the SAP Service Marketplace answers you questions.
Thanks and Regards.
2012 Jul 02 12:20 PM
Hi Deepak,
You may refer below link:
You may write code to notify the table field changes using Events.
This code will trigger mail with details such as Original Field contens , Updated field contents,
Date -Time and User name and terminal from whrere changes are being done.
This method can be used for Critical tables like T000 (Clients).
For that go to Table Mainntnace Generator.
On Menu path : Environment->Modifications ->Event
Click New Entries
Now select Event from (02 and 05 ) and write the code inside Editor for above Logic.
For trggering mail for Alert Notification, you may use FM so_document_send_api1 or cl_document_bcs .
Best Regards,
2012 Jul 02 1:28 PM
Hi Sachin, Thanks for your promopt reply. But, we are not doing any SAP enhancments/coding. So can not create such events.
2012 Jul 06 2:35 PM
Hi Deepak,
Please follow the below link. Contents are somewhat related to your topic.
Thanks and Regards.
Rajender Patyal
2012 Jul 06 2:51 PM
- You could also look at Change Pointer (Master Data Distribution). (But if you don't want IDoc...)
- You could reduce CDHDR/CDPOS volume of data if you correctly identify objects (SCDO) and use a short date/time range.
2012 Jul 31 10:17 AM
Hi Deepak,
I hope SAP note # 395569, which you can find on the SAP Service Marketplace answers you questions.
Thanks and Regards.