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I would like to Download the OSS Note to Desktop via programatically



I would like to Download the OSS Note to desktop programatically.There is no option to download the Note to Desktop in transaction SNOTE.Please let me know the physical location where the note is saved when downloaded via transaction SNOTE.


Active Contributor

You can still do it from the SAP Market Place, using the SAP Download Basket or the function module SCWN_NOTE_DOWNLOAD from within an ABAP program. Notes already downloaded are stored in tables CWBN* (easy to find using the SQL trace tool i.e. transaction ST05).

Active Contributor

In SNOTE, click Display (eyeglasses) button and it opens quite a handy display, with PDF and save option right there.

There is also "Export as PDF" option in the Support Launchpad.

Is there really a need to reinvent this functionality?

0 Kudos

Hi Jelena,

Thanks for your Reply!!

We have created the program to upload multiple OSS Notes(Text Files which are downloaded from service market Place) using the custom program , where we can implement multiple Notes in a single Go.

Purpose of this new program is to download multiple notes(Text Files) onto the desktop, so that upload program can implement the notes which are downloaded using the download Program.



0 Kudos

Hi Naveen,

We are also in the same need... Can u pls share your code.... So that it would help me bit in getting oss notes.

Your help would be highly appreciated...

Awaiting reply..


Akil syed



Why this mass implementation of S NOTES ?

What about the dependencies where a bit manual work is involved ( like creating a table or program as part of NOTES)and pre-requisite checks ?

Curious to know the advantages of such a Custom Program.


0 Kudos


Yes, this SCWN_NOTE_DOWNLOAD program can perform the mass download via SE38, by just entering the list of the SAP note, it will download the SAP note, it just how we did in SNOTE transaction code.

But, I'm also looking for a customize solution that can pick up the SAP note number from the table, and download them automatically via SCWN_NOTE_DOWNLOAD, perhaps, might need to customize/enhance the coding (which i not familiar with).

This could help for the SAP Security notes implementation process, as you know, the SAP security note release by SAP from time to time, considering the large/complex of landscape, downloading them in each system, is very time consuming. We have enable Configuration validation and System recommendation feature in Solution Manager for the managed system. it will be helpful, if this can be automate/simplify using custom solution.

The SCWN_NOTE_DOWNLOAD (with enhance version) will pick up the SAP Note from the table (which store the security note recommendation) and download them automatically in the respective system.

I couldn't find any related topic about this. So, not too sure whether is it possible to make it or not ?

0 Kudos

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Dedi Metser