2009 Jan 04 12:27 PM
i basicaly draw data from BKPF and BSEG...for all GL accounts(HKONTS) In a COMPANY CODE(BUKRS) for a FISCAL YEAR(GJAHR)
I basicaly SUM up the NET VALUES(DMBTR) for a HKONT and display it across all COST CENTRES.
Since the Requirement needs GL's as COLOUMN HEADINGS and KOSTL as ROWS,
However the runtime is high(as expected)..
i used LDB for DRAWING DATA...
and rest is all basic coding for DYNAMIC ITABS..
now how can i better it?
the tables are indexed..
will using any other approach fasten the speed?????????????
also i ahve no idea how BW will come handy..
are these kind of reports supposed to be done in BW?
2009 Jan 05 12:32 AM
as you expected the running time of your report is high. I do not think you can improve it significantly. I would you use standard select from BKPF and BSEG (using FOR ALL ENTRIES) instead of logical DB.
Here is also nice blog about selecting FI documents from BSEG.
2009 Jan 05 12:33 AM
I forgot to mentioned that other blogs about performance from Rob Burbank are useful as well.
2009 Jan 05 9:13 AM
> are these kind of reports supposed to be done in BW?
Sounds very much so (if you have a BW already anyway). Also see if you can use table COSS.
2009 Jan 05 10:44 AM
nah that doesnt have all data i want..however a handy table..thanks
2009 Jan 05 10:47 AM
If the starting point for your report is HKONT, I'd try using as a starting point for the selects tables BSIS or BSAS both of which hold FI lines data indexed on HKONT.
2009 Jan 07 5:22 AM
Hello Gaurav,
The Table BSEG is a cluster table and hence any queries on this table that does not use the Document number will cause performance problems.
To resolve the performance problems in your report try using database tables BKPF, BSIS and BSAS instead of using the LDB for fetching the data.
Hope this helps!
2009 Jan 07 9:25 AM
is it for sure that every GL ACC in BSEG,will be found either in BSIS or BSAS?
2009 Jan 12 2:25 PM
2009 Jan 12 2:54 PM
> is it for sure that every GL ACC in BSEG,will be found either in BSIS or BSAS?
Only when the indicator SKB1-XKRES is checked in G/L account maintenance (applies to "old" general ledger only, as I just read).
2009 Jan 15 5:20 AM
yea,thanks for the info..
wondering if thers a better table(may be frm CO side) for capturing,all GLS,corresponding DMBTR & KOSTL
2009 Jan 15 11:53 AM