2007 Sep 05 11:08 AM
Hi all!
I'm doing a Screen with an I/O box where users specify the name of a file. I'd like to have a default name already present when Screen appears, so users can use it.
Then, I'd like to modify this default name when user click on a button already present in screen.
It's possible to do this two features?
Thanks to all.
2007 Sep 05 12:55 PM
Yes, u can do it.
In th program , u can default the variable attached to this I/O box with ur default path name ( do it before calling the screen).
In the PAI of this particular screen, u can change the same value depending upon the buttons clicked ( may be pop up for File name etc).
2007 Sep 05 12:55 PM
Yes, u can do it.
In th program , u can default the variable attached to this I/O box with ur default path name ( do it before calling the screen).
In the PAI of this particular screen, u can change the same value depending upon the buttons clicked ( may be pop up for File name etc).
2007 Sep 05 1:28 PM
How can I attach a variable to an I/O box? Do I need to declare it with DATA statement? And what type of variable I have to declare?
Thanks for your answers.
2007 Sep 05 1:42 PM
In case ur dealing with a module pool - then u have used the Screen painter to design the screen. When u do that - u specify a ID to that text box right .. in your main prog u define a variable with DATA statement .. and it will automatically connect.
In case it is a SELECTION-SCREEN ( means u execute it and in the Attribute of that program it will say that it s an executable prog), u define it as a PARAMETER and the parameter has a name, so u can pass values to this parameter name,
Cheers SKC.
2007 Sep 05 1:49 PM
Great tip! You solved my problems.
Thank you very much!
Best regards.
2007 Sep 05 1:01 PM
Yes it is possible,
IN the PBO event you can pass the value to that field, so before apearing the screen the value will be assigned to that field, so this value will be appear in the screen.