2012 Apr 29 9:55 AM
i want to display a report through alv.But i am getting this error.how can i solve it??
Moderator message: FAQ, please search for information before posting.
Message was edited by: Thomas Zloch
2012 Apr 29 10:12 AM
2012 Apr 29 10:17 AM
It seems there is a problem with you fieldcat property.
Hope it helps you.
And if possible, please post your code here.
With Regards,
J. Rajbarath
2012 Apr 29 10:41 AM
Please, check if it gets resolved by note 1571782.
Best Regards,
2012 Apr 29 4:04 PM
Such problem occurs when you don't populate the field catalog properly. Your field catalog has some field names which are not there in the table.
2012 Apr 30 7:18 AM
(This question is a FAQ, use the search tool)
This error comes from an inconsistency between internal table, field catalog and/or layout options, check if fields assigned to selection box, format, color, icon in the layout or in the field catalog exist in the internal table. If the error does not occurs before display, try to execute The Consistency Check.