2011 Dec 08 9:51 AM
Good day Gurus,
i have written a code to delimit record from the upload file and insert new record for info type 0008. The function module i have used is HR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION. it is delimiting and inserting the record with no problem .
My request Is to copy current record IT0008 with new start date.
Delimit copied IT0008 record
Add new wage type entry to new current record e.g LGART = 1P50
But on PA30 for infotype 0008 the new wage type entry overwrites the first entry on the list.(1P50 wage type for Service Bonus overwites the TPA wage type for total package).
Can i get an advice as to how to resolve the issue above. as i want to add new record not to overwites the existing ones.
Thanks in advance.
2011 Dec 08 10:50 AM
Good day Gurus,
The problem is resolved, sorry for wasting your time...