2007 Jun 09 12:34 AM
Hi All,
Can you please let me know the step by step procedure of How we can attach search help directly to the table field / structure field.
2007 Jun 09 12:57 AM
Hi Jaya,
1. Create a search help using SE11.
2. Include this search help in the field of table in SE11. There is a tab in the table defination where you can specify the search help.
Even you can specify search help at data element level, screen field level.
Reward points if useul.
2007 Jun 09 12:57 AM
Hi Jaya,
1. Create a search help using SE11.
2. Include this search help in the field of table in SE11. There is a tab in the table defination where you can specify the search help.
Even you can specify search help at data element level, screen field level.
Reward points if useul.
2007 Jun 09 3:13 AM
Once you done search help,then you can assign in Se11 Transaction..
Take ur data element ur field ->click on change button in se11 transaction ->see the attribute down in data element screen -> here you can add