2022 Jan 12 11:31 AM
2022 Jan 12 11:55 AM
Hello 9035358424
Just use ABAP Open SQL statements. The application server will take care of accessing both cluster and pool tables.
Best regards
Dominik Tylczynski
2022 Jan 12 12:25 PM
2022 Jan 12 12:58 PM
You may search the forum/SAP Web site with your favorite Web search engine. I see many answers for search below:
How to write select query for pool and cluster tables ? site:sap.com
2022 Jan 18 5:05 PM
You can use standard ABAP OpenSQL. That being said, with Cluster tables, you should also note that these tables cannot be used in a JOIN clause. You must select from them, usually using a FOR ALL ENTRIES statement.
SELECT * FROM transparent_table INTO TABLE gt_transparent WHERE <some_where_clause>.
SELECT * FROM cluster_table INTO TABLE gt_cluster
FOR ALL ENTRIES IN gt_transparent
WHERE <key_field> EQ gt_transparent-<key_field>.
2022 Jan 18 5:05 PM
You can use standard ABAP OpenSQL. That being said, with Cluster tables, you should also note that these tables cannot be used in a JOIN clause. You must select from them, usually using a FOR ALL ENTRIES statement.
SELECT * FROM transparent_table INTO TABLE gt_transparent WHERE <some_where_clause>.
SELECT * FROM cluster_table INTO TABLE gt_cluster
FOR ALL ENTRIES IN gt_transparent
WHERE <key_field> EQ gt_transparent-<key_field>.