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How to write a dynamic pattern

Former Member
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when writing abap code there is the possibility of creating your own pattern for code blocks you need regularly e.g. for documentation or tracing code.

(when editing a program in SE80 -> Utilities -> More utilities -> Edit pattern -> Create pattern)

When creating a pattern there is a menu entry Pattern -> Dynamic pattern. I thought that this allows me to write patterns which use variables e.g. for the current user or date. When choosing the entry the statement *$&$EXIT is added in the pattern but there is no documentation what I have to do.

Has anyone experience in creating dynamic pattern who can help me or knows where I can find documentation on this topic?




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I have to admit that I never tried this myself, but I think you have to activate enhancement SEUED001 and implement customer exit EXIT_SAPLLOCAL_EDT1_00 (or EXIT_SAPLEDITOR_001 for releases < 4.5). Documentation is rather sparse, but I guess it's not too difficult.

Kind regards, Manfred Oster

Former Member
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Hi Roman,

We can create patterns by creating a function <patternname>_EDITOR_EXIT. The o/p of the function should be a table of type RSWSOURCET(Version 4.70). On the editor, when you choose other pattern, SAP triggers this function.

In this function, you can have whatever logic you want. I have created one, where we read a std text for the Modification Log and populate the User Name & Date.

Hope this helps.

Regards, Pramod

Former Member
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Hi Roman,

We can create patterns by creating a function <patternname>_EDITOR_EXIT. The o/p of the function should be a table of type RSWSOURCET(Version 4.70). On the editor, when you choose other pattern, SAP triggers this function.

In this function, you can have whatever logic you want. I have created one, where we read a std text for the Modification Log and populate the User Name & Date.

Hope this helps.

Regards, Pramod

0 Kudos

In 4.6C we have the standard function module SUBMIT_EDITOR_EXIT. Here we can see the import and export parameters.

Only one thing is requiered, to create a dynamic pattern that uses xxxx_EDITOR_EXIT FM the pattern must have only this line --> <b>*$&$MUSTER</b>

If you put <b>$&$EXIT</b> you must implement a Customer Function, but with <b>$&$MUSTER</b> you only need to create the xxxx_EDITOR_EXIT FM.

That's all.

Greetings from Spain.