2021 Oct 25 5:00 PM
TYPES : BEGIN OF s_empdetails,
empid TYPE n,
fname(20) TYPE c,
END OF s_empdetails.
TYPES : BEGIN OF s_empsal,
empid TYPE n,
base_sal TYPE p,
END OF s_empsal.
DATA : gt_header TYPE TABLE OF s_empdetails WITH HEADER LINE,
gwa_header TYPE s_empdetails.
DATA : gt_items TYPE TABLE OF s_empsal,
gwa_items TYPE s_empsal.
LOOP AT gt_items INTO gwa_items.
IF gt_items IS INITIAL.
gv_highest_num = gwa_items-base_sal.
ELSEIF gv_highest_num < gwa_items-base_sal.
gv_highest_num = gwa_items-base_sal.
LOOP AT gt_items INTO gwa_items.
IF gt_items IS INITIAL.
gv_second_number = gwa_items-base_sal.
ELSEIF gwa_items-base_sal > gv_second_number AND gwa_items-base_sal < gv_highest_num.
gv_second_number = gwa_items-base_sal.
READ TABLE gt_items INTO gwa_items WITH key base_sal = gv_second_number.
READ TABLE gt_header INTO gwa_header WITH KEY empid = gwa_items-empid.
2021 Oct 25 5:00 PM
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2021 Oct 25 8:35 PM
As far as I understand you are trying to find the employee with the second highest salary and then read its name from the other table.
If so, it is a bit of an over-complication. You can simply use a table which is sorted according to the salary.
READ TABLE gt_items INTO gwa_items INDEX lines( gt_items ) - 1.
This way, you'll have the employee number available in gwa_items and can proceed with the second read command. (Don't forget to check if the table have less then 2 items.)
Also do not use obsolete language elements, like tables with header lines.
2021 Oct 26 7:15 AM
Thank you for the response. actually i already got the answer using reading with index but here i am trying to get the answer using loops that wrote into single loop . can u help me with that?
2021 Oct 26 7:16 AM
Thank you for the response . actually i already tried with reading with index different way . but here i want to get the anwer using loops that i have mentioned but now in single loop . how can i get it?
and also in the read statement that you have given ,if suppose i have big number of entried in table , then how i should get employee number using index lines?
2021 Oct 26 12:27 PM
Yes, it is possible to implement a logic that uses single iteration. But I'd only use it if there is no option to use sorted tables.
DATA first TYPE s_empsal.
DATA second TYPE s_empsal.
READ TABLE gt_items INDEX 1 INTO first.
READ TABLE gt_items INDEX 1 INTO second.
LOOP AT gt_items FROM 2 INTO gwa_items.
IF gwa_items-base_sal > first-base_sal.
second = first.
first = gwa_items.
ELSEIF gwa_items-base_sal > second-base_sal.
second = gwa_items.
2021 Oct 26 9:01 AM
gt_header TYPE TABLE OF s_empdetails WITH HEADER LINE,
Tables with HEADER LINES have been obsolete for over twenty years. Don't use them. They're bad programming practice.