2008 Apr 01 11:30 AM
Hi all,
I wanted to know how to use 'Find' menu in screens.
Actually I have created a screen through SE51 and used the pushbutton to assign the function 'Find' ( one with binoculars ). The screen uses a table control to bring all the data from the DB table in the PBO module. When the user uses FIND button the system should prompt a search pop up screen onto which he will enter the search parameter and when he enter that the corresponding line item should be displayed on the tablecontrol. I wanted to know what logic should be incorporated in the program if that pushbutton is used. Please reply immediately. Its urgent.
Edited by: BHAVANI MADIREDDY on Apr 1, 2008 12:31 PM
2008 Apr 01 4:06 PM
In the PAI under a module (user_command for example) when the user click the button you should use the command READ TABLE (if you look at the help, there's some options to do the READ dynamically - [http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/d3/2e974d35c511d1829f0000e829fbfe/frameset.htm]) to get the line index and with it you set the TOP_LINE of the table control ( tc_table-top_line = sy-index for example).
Doing this the selected line will be the first in the table control on the next step (PAI/PBO).