2005 Aug 16 7:14 AM
I have taken backup of SAP script in text file.
Now I want to upload this text backup file to system so that I will get my SAP script back.
Anybody know how to do this..?
2005 Aug 16 7:21 AM
Hi Prafulla
How you have taken the back up of your SapScript in text file?
There is a report program RSTXSCRP which can be used to import/export the Sapscript form from/to text file on presentation server.
This program gives two options: importing and exporting. Just give the path of the file to be uploaded/downloaded
Ashish Jain
2005 Aug 16 7:40 AM
Hi Ashish,
Thanx for the reply...
But I am getting error saying invalid start marker:---instead of SFORM.
here is how I have taken backup:
I have gone to SE71, then to utilities/ form info, then I saved this script by going to list option & save as .txt file on my Application server.
now when I am trying to upload this file then its giving error.
could you tell me what should I enter in Text id & file format field?
2005 Aug 16 7:53 AM
Hi Ashish,
I noticed that there is no option for SAP script on the selection screen.
Only FORM, STYLE, STD TEXT , DEVICE TYP option is there.
which radio button I should select to upload SAP script?
2005 Aug 16 7:58 AM
Hi Prafulla
I have tried my best but there seems to be no option available.
Just make sure to use RSTXSCRP in the future for upload/download of SapScript forms.
I will further try to see if something can be done for your case
Ashish Jain
2005 Aug 16 8:08 AM
Hi Prafulla
So, you have discovered that there are lot of options available with RSTXSCRP. So, its the time to write down this report name, will be helpful in future.
For SapScript, use 'Form' option'.
In object name, give the SapScript/filename.
In mode, choose either of Import/Export whichever applicable for you.
Now you can choose between Application/Presentation server
And, finally give the file path
Ashish Jain
2005 Aug 16 8:10 AM
And, finally, you can see the documentation for this report.
Ashish Jain
2005 Aug 16 4:05 PM
Hi Prafulla
Is your solved?
If yes, please write what exactly solved your problem (we will also learn what really works) and close the thread.
And also check:
Ashish Jain
2005 Aug 17 4:40 AM
Hi Ashish,
My problem is still not resolved.
But what I learn from this is, SAP script backup should always be taken through RSTXSCRP & not local file download.
Well thanx for help. It will definetly help me in future.
Thanx once again.