2010 Oct 27 10:33 AM
Hi Experts,
i created a table by wizard, now i want to functionality that when the user selects one line of the table, it should trigger some event, but i don't find out any option for implementing this.
So anyone could help me on this?
Lynn Liu
2010 Oct 27 10:46 AM
You have to activate the select event (F2) in the Interface Status and then catch it in the "USER-COMMAND" section.
2010 Oct 27 11:03 AM
I tried to press F2 on the screen after i select one line, and i got the system command code is PICK. i think it's what i want.
But could you tell me, how to active the F2 by coding without manual press?
waiting for your reply,
Lynn Liu
2010 Oct 27 11:11 AM
To activate you just need to associate a user command to F2. Then it should be activated by double clicking the record, marking the record will not trigger any event in table control. The in the user_command module, catch the respective command (pick in your case) and use GET CURSOR LINE to see what record was selected.
2010 Oct 27 11:16 AM
One idea is you have to place a button in first column and remove the default selection box from the table control.
Now when a button is clicked the user command can be captured.
2010 Nov 05 2:35 PM
@ kesav I dont the ur point.. Its impossible to add abutton such way
2010 Nov 05 2:50 PM