2022 Apr 26 6:54 AM
how companies perform API testing in SAP, is it necessary to test SAP odata APIs ,can anyone suggest a solution ?
2022 Apr 26 7:09 AM
Didn't get you question fully. Which API you are talking about? Do you want to test any external API or any ODATA which you have built in your SAP system? You can preform unit test of any ODATA API in your SAP gateway system using transaction /IWFND/GW_CLIENT. Thanks.
2022 Apr 26 7:25 AM
Hi Gopisetty,
in more recent releases (as of 752 NetWeaver or SAP S/4HANA) you can perform unit tests using the OData proxy client which is more convenient than using transaction /iwfnd/gw_client as suggested by girdhari.mondal.
However if you are running older releases (e.g. ECC systems that are based on 740 or 750) tests using transaction /iwfnd/gw_client (SAP Gateway Client) is the way to go.
Testing API's even if they have been delivered by SAP in your own system landscape makes definitely sense since there can be reasons for failures that do not stem from bugs but also from the processes in your ECC / SAP S/4HANA system.
Kind regards,