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how to solve Generation of programs and screens error while transporting request from development to quality server?

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear Abapers,

how to solve the below error while transporting request ?

i transported set of ZPROGRAMS and ZTABLES in single Transport request.


      Generation of programs and screens

      Transport request   : XXXX1213

      System              : TVQ

      tp path             : tp

      Version and release: 372.04.88 701

      Generation of programs and screens for transport request XXXX1213

      Only generates programs with LOAD versions

      Start on 15.10.13 at 10:35:04

      Ended on 15.10.13 at 10:35:24

      No. of programs  /Min/Avg/Max (sec): 14   0 1 13

      No. of screens    /Min/Avg/Max (sec): 20   0 0 3

      Generation of programs and screens

      End date and time : 20131015103524

      Ended with return code:  ===> 8 <===





Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Run SE14 on all your tables. Also, make sure all your objects are activated (actually reactivate just in case), and also that the package you are using is also available on Q*.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Check the transport log of that transport request in SE09 transaction.

It gives you the program name which is having this error, correct the errors in SE38, create a new TR and transport it.

0 Kudos


As Gautham suggested you can check the transport log to see which program is giving the error.

You can use the expand button before the row to show the error details. Then do the required correction. Usually the problem arises due to some missing object. In such case include those missing objects also in your trasnport request and then transport it.


Ajay Bose

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello SG,

This is new article related to transport tracking to reduce the errors while transporting objects across the systems.

Check if it is helpful.