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How to set selected row on startup of an alv tree build with cl_salv_tree

Former Member
0 Kudos


I have a cl_salv_tree and want the tree structure to open a specific node when starting the report. My coding is something like that:

DATA: lr_selections TYPE REF TO cl_salv_selections_tree,

lr_nodes TYPE REF TO cl_salv_nodes,

lr_node TYPE REF TO cl_salv_node,

lv_node_index(12) TYPE c,

lt_nodes TYPE salv_t_nodes,

ls_nodes TYPE salv_s_nodes,

lr_item TYPE REF TO cl_salv_item.

lr_selections = lr_tree->get_selections( ).

lt_nodes = lr_selections->get_selected_nodes( ).

lr_item = lr_selections->get_selected_item( ).

IF lr_item IS NOT BOUND.

lr_nodes = lr_tree->get_nodes( ).

lr_node = lr_nodes->get_node( lv_node_index ). "lv_node_index is the index of the node i want to be open on startup

ls_nodes-key = lv_node_index.

ls_nodes-node = lr_node.

APPEND ls_nodes TO lt_nodes.

lr_selections->set_selected_nodes( lt_nodes ).


ls_nodes-node = lr_item->get_node( ).

ls_nodes-key = ls_nodes-node->get_key( ).

APPEND ls_nodes TO lt_nodes.

lr_selections->set_selected_nodes( lt_nodes ).


This coding is also used, when the report is running and someone clicks an a row. So thats why I check if a item is marked

or the total row.

But the tree always starts without opening the node.

Do I use the right methods or am I totally wrong ????

Thx for your help in advance


Edited by: dinodini on Nov 16, 2010 6:51 PM


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

What you are looking for is the similar functionality which could be achieved by the method EXPAND_NODE of the ALV Tree created using CL_GUI_ALV_TREE. In SALV Tree, you can use the method EXPAND of the class CL_SALV_NODE to show all the subnodes of that node, not by using the SELECTION.

Once you add the Node using the method ADD_NODE, you should call the method EXPAND to expand that subtree.

            lr_nodes  = lr_tree->get_nodes( ).
            lr_node =  lr_nodes->ADD_NODE( ... )
            lr_node->EXPAND( COMPLETE_SUBTREE = 'X' ).


Naimesh Patel

0 Kudos

Thx Naimesh,

I will try this now. I don't know why I didn't searched for possible methods in the cl_salv_node and nodes classes.

Thx for your hint I think this will work.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Thx this help was the one I was searching for