2006 Feb 23 4:47 PM
I would like to set a number of dynpro fields of a standard transaction in R/3 4.6 to display-only. The problem is, that the fields are marked to be editable in the screen painter. I don't want to make a modification, so therefore I cannot simply change the attributes in the screen painter statically.
Does anyone know a function module which changes the attributes of a dynpro dynamically?
This module would have to be called when starting the transaction and before the SCREEN type is filled with values for the dynpro, because I would like to use a business transaction event which is called on start.
Thanks for your help
Best Regards
2006 Feb 23 4:48 PM
You can create a SCREEN variant for the standard Transaction using SHD0 and make the fields DISPLAY only.
Suresh Datti
2006 Feb 23 4:48 PM
You can create a SCREEN variant for the standard Transaction using SHD0 and make the fields DISPLAY only.
Suresh Datti
2006 Feb 23 4:50 PM
2006 Feb 23 4:51 PM
This can be done through transaction variant , transaction is SHD0
2006 Feb 23 5:15 PM
you need to create the transaction variant using the transaction SHD0(Zero).
here you can make them display or change. and save it.
select the radio buttons against the fields for display or change appropriately...