2009 Oct 19 2:41 PM
Hi All,
Is it possible to send commands and listen to response using ABAP. Commands need to be send to specific IP address and Port number and for every command there is a response which needs to be captured.
Usually I use telnet or hyper-terminal program to achieve this. I dont have a PI system available for interface.
Can this be achieved using ABAP?
Thanks in advance,
2009 Oct 19 5:36 PM
There are several ways to execute external commands depending on what type of system you're on. One is to setup an external command in SM69 and use function SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE. The other option is use a call to the "SYSTEM" function and supply a system relevant command - call 'SYSTEM' id 'COMMAND'... However, both of these options require the proper authorization.
2009 Oct 19 6:33 PM
Lawrence thanks for the reply.
I am trying to communicate to an embedded device which has its own set of commands.
Usually for testing what I would do is use telnet or hyper-terminal to send commands to the device and then listen to the output.
I was reading about SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE, but not sure if this kind of interface be developed using it.
Please advice..
2009 Oct 19 6:53 PM
The Function Groups SFTP, SHTTP, SHTM look as though they may give you some options to work with.
I'm not clear from your question which protocol you are using to talk to the embeded device. FTP? HTTP? Some sort of SSL variant?