2022 Dec 29 9:42 AM
Hi, I'm trying to select infnr, ekorg, esokz from EINE table and concatenate it into a single variable. Is it possible?
SELECT infnr,
FROM eine
WHERE ebeln = @l_ebeln
INTO @l_name.
2022 Dec 29 10:46 AM
Hi Wane,
if you are at least on a NW 7.50 system you should be able to use CONCAT in the SELECT statement:
Hope this helps!
2022 Dec 30 9:45 PM
Hi Wane,
You can do as per below. Concat syntax can concatenate only two expression. So you have to use two CONCAT here.
SELECT concat( concat( infnr , ekorg ) , esokz )
FROM eine
WHERE ebeln = @l_ebeln
INTO @(l_name).