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How to see data of an itab in a background process?

0 Kudos

Hi, in order to solve a problem I have to debug a background task.

I tried to debug it with the transaction SM37, but the breakpoints I've set in SE80 didn't work. And the when trying to walk there step by step I end up in a maze of SAP standard components.

Basically I just need to know what data an itab contains, when the "INSERT" statement is called. So I was wondering, is there maybe a way to output the contents of the itab into a separate spool?

Or are there other methods, how I can check the content of this itab?


Active Contributor

old bad method : put a wait ... seconds, in SM50 set the process line and ask for a debug program

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

frdric.girod It's a good trick. I tend to implement it with an infinite loop:

data: lv_debug value 'X'.
while lv_debug = 'X'. endwhile.

That gives me ample time to catch the process in SM50 and go to debug. Then lv_debug variable can be cleared and I can proceed. A check to sy-uname can be added in the WHILE condition so the processing loops only for specified users.


See this thread: how to debug background job