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How to save multiple lines from text editor to ztable in database?

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear Experts,

   i have created one text editor for a field name Project Description. as i  can save the data in my z-table whatever i am writing in the editor in 1 line.

  But whenever i am writing anything in the editor in multiple lines the data is not being saved in the z-table for all the lines.

   Suppose i am writing the details of the field ( Project Description) in multiple lines,but in the table only the last line data is being stored.As i am new to this problem please help me out to resolve this.


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It pretty much looks like any line is written, but the next line is overwriting he prior written.

maybe your z-table does not have a key to support several lines.

maybe you do not fill this key properly, if available

0 Kudos

what is your Z-table design, its its only having the Project ID and may be Language for your Description, then you need to add one more field like counter as a part of primary key which you have to generate within your code for multi-line data save

Former Member
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Dear Jurgen,

   How do i do this????please help me to solve...

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

tell how your table looks, tell how your coding for this update looks,

then I (or somebody else) maybe able to tell what is wrong

Former Member
0 Kudos

Before saving in the ztable, try to concatenate the lines from your text editor to the ztable-field then append.

0 Kudos

Dear Mark,

  As it is not defined that how many lines can used by an could you tell me that how is it possible to concatenate the lines as i have to declare those as variables in my program......

Thanks in advance.....

0 Kudos

Rather than saving text in a user table, why not use FMs such as CREATE_TEXT, SAVE_TEXT, etc. they're meant for this purpose and well documented.


0 Kudos


You just follow the below code,

data:  o_edit TYPE REF TO cl_gui_textedit,

           text_tab_1 LIKE STANDARD TABLE OF line.

CALL METHOD o_edit->set_text_as_r3table


                table           = text_tab_1.

From this text_tab_1 internal table to database table(ztable) by using Modify statement.