2010 Oct 27 10:07 AM
We allow our users to schedule and execute in background mode transactions (example IP19, IW38). We gave them for that authorizations (object S_BTCH_JOB with LIST, PROT, RELE and SHOW - objetct S_PROGRAM with BTCSUBMIT).
We would like that users can schedule and execute their jobs only with the u201CImmediateu201D job start condition (in the Start Time screen for the type of start condition : Immediate, Date/Time, After job, After event, or At operation mode).
Another solution: prohibit the scheduling and the execution background job in a certain time interval ...
How can restrict the job start conditions ?
Thank you.
2010 Oct 28 7:18 AM
1/give your user access to transaction SA38.
It will give them option to execute report.
They could schedule only immediate background run.
Menu: program->background
Bye Jan
2010 Oct 28 8:21 AM
Hi Jan,
Yes, sa38 makes it possible indeed to execute in background into immediate mode a job but
the user have to know the name of the program to be carried out ...
The user knows only the name of these transactions trade. For example, IW38.
In the menu of this transaction, SAP gives the possibility to execute in background :
Program --> Execute in Background --> display of Start Time screen for the type of start condition :
Immediate, Date/Time, After job, After event, or At operation mode).
It is at this time there that we want that the user can only choose the "immediate" mode.
We must thus prohibit the other choices (Date/Time, After job, After event, or At operation mode) ... and
and we don't know how to restrict these other options in this screen "Start Time screen for the type of start condition".
Thank you.
2010 Oct 28 9:24 AM
Never heard that this is possible, also the code behind screen SAPLBTCH 1010 does not show anything like this. I'm afraid you'll have to either modify SAPLBTCH to your needs or maybe find some more os less clumsy workaround like an exit in IW38 or a periodically scheduled clean up program that would adjust "illegally" scheduled jobs to run immediately.
Unless somebody has a better idea.