2007 Nov 22 6:54 AM
Hi Experts,
I am calling a Modal Dialog box screen having a pushbutton.
On the click of the pushbutton, I am performing some checks, and giving a warning message.
The warning message comes as a popup in this case and has three buttons on it.
One of these buttons is titled 'New entry'.
I dont want that button to come on the warning popup.
Please let me know if there is a way out for this.
Thanks in advance.
Useful answers will surely be rewarded.
2007 Nov 22 7:08 AM
Hi Himanshu
Try using FM AQ_INT_SHOW_MESSAGE_AS_POPUP for displaying the warning message...
2007 Nov 22 7:01 AM
As per my assumption the warning message is coming in a screen (pop-up). FInd out the screen number and check the Status. Go to the status and remove new-entry button. If that is not possible then try to use for that screen .. SET PF-STATUS .. EXCLUDING ... exclude new-entry...
2007 Nov 22 7:08 AM
Hi Jyothi,
Thanks a lot for ur prompt reply.
But, in my dialog screen, on click of the button I am simply using the statement :
MESSAGE W000(0K) with 'text'.
The resulting warning message comes as a popup with the 'New Entry' button on it.
From the warning popup, how can I remove the button.
Please let me know.
2007 Nov 22 7:08 AM
Hi Himanshu
Try using FM AQ_INT_SHOW_MESSAGE_AS_POPUP for displaying the warning message...
2007 Nov 22 7:15 AM
Hi Arun,
Thanks a lot for ur reply.
It has really helped me a lot.