2023 Sep 18 9:52 AM
Hello Team,
Just now i have a similar Asynchronous scenario I've to read the Blob field in the ORACLE DB system and I send it to a server abap proxy via SAP PO 7.5.
Our scenario design would involve as below:
Oracle Database (Sender) to SAP ECC (Receiver) via PO 7.5.
To read the BLOB field from the JDBC (ORACLE Table) I would be using following Select statement. When I run the select statement we are getting exception as below.
Select statement: SELECT * FROM table name;
Exception from JDBC Sender Channel:
Database-level error reported by JDBC driver while executing statement 'SELECT * FROM Table Name; 'The JDBC driver returned the following error message: 'java.sql.SQLException: ORA-22992: cannot use LOB locators selected from remote tables.
Note: We are unable to read the Blob field data in the database itself
In the DB level also I am getting the same error.
Can you please any help me here to explain/provide the solution?