2008 Dec 16 3:02 PM
In tcode IW32 I can enter more than 1 operation.
my requirement is that before save a check should be done on all the operations if they are according to requirements. there is no user exit for individual operations that I could find so I try to fix the user exit of the serviceorder for this
EXIT_SAPLCOIH_009 check before save.
but here I need to check also all the new operations entered which should reside somewhere in memory.
only after debugging I can only find the structure AFVGD which contains only the most recent entered operation and not all or at least the newly entered operations.
so when I enter a description at operation 20 and 30 and save. then just before the user exit when I'm still in the main programm SAPLCOIH I don't have any table which contains the information of both operations but only the last one in this case operation 30 ?
anybody got a clue where I can substract all the newly added operations from memory or global variables ??
kind regards
arthur de smidt
2008 Dec 16 3:26 PM
While you debug on SAVE event, I guess CAUFVD should contain all ops data. Find a place to stick an implicit enhancement implementation and you can code your validation.
2008 Dec 16 3:26 PM
While you debug on SAVE event, I guess CAUFVD should contain all ops data. Find a place to stick an implicit enhancement implementation and you can code your validation.
2008 Dec 16 3:41 PM
caufvd only contains the order information and not of all the individual operations . I'm looking for the table which should contain the operations.
if you look in the screen in the operation tab then with F1 I can see that the AFVGD structure is used for operations. but strange enough it only contains the last operation and not all
kind regards
2008 Dec 16 5:06 PM
Hello Arthur,
check function module CO_BT_AFVG_GET. This function module should deliver the required informations.
Best regards
2008 Dec 17 9:45 AM
hmmm I don't see how the function reads the afvgd structure from memory since the information that is changed is not yet saved since I want to check before saving
and somehow I can't get the function to show anything at all when I enter a serviceorder number in testing with SE37 ?
kind regards
arthur de smidt
Edited by: A. de Smidt on Dec 17, 2008 11:00 AM
2008 Dec 17 10:25 AM
Hello Arthur,
the table AFVG_BT contains the actual operation data (there's no selection from database).
and somehow I can't get the function to show anything at all when I enter a serviceorder number in testing with SE37 ?
-> that's because of the function doesn't select data from the database. Implement the fm in your user-exit, set a break-point, change an operation of an exiting order, add an operation and save. Then you can check the data in table AFVG_BT. You'll find your changes and the additional operation in it.
Best regards
Edited by: Stephan Theis on Dec 17, 2008 11:26 AM
2008 Dec 17 1:58 PM
I try to implement it in
I have 2 options , the one with 'CO_BT_AFVG_GET'
the exporting parameter only allows a structure and not a table. so not all operations are passed to the user exit
aufnr_act = caufvd_imp-aufnr
* AUFPL_ACT = 0000000000
* FLG_WORK = 'X'
* RCR01_EXP =
* EOF = 1
* OTHERS = 2
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
I can see that the function above contains all the operations. only it doesn't return them
the other option is to read it from memory but that returs nothing
CLEAR global_field_name.
MOVE '(SAPLCOBT)AFVG_BT[]' TO global_field_name.
ASSIGN (global_field_name) TO <fs_afvg_bt>.
I also found a user exit in function CO_BT_ORDER_POST which contains the info of all the posted and unposted operations in table afvg_bt
but the problem here is that I can't raise error messages if some fields in the operation are not filled
kind regards
Edited by: A. de Smidt on Dec 17, 2008 3:04 PM
2008 Dec 17 2:27 PM
ok I got the solution through the function 'CO_BT_AFVG_GET'.
I used that program now in my dynamic reading and that contains all the information I need
so I use SAPLCOBO instead of SAPLCOBT now
CLEAR global_field_name.
MOVE '(SAPLCOBO)AFVG_BT[]' TO global_field_name.
ASSIGN (global_field_name) TO <fs_afvg_bt>.
2024 Mar 01 7:39 AM