2011 Jun 01 11:47 PM
I have a 2 requirements
1) we need to populate WBS element and Project definition of an order in PM
IW 32 trasnaction (Additional data tab).
2)Also i need to program settlement rules in CJ02 for WBS elements .
How do i approach ? when i do manually it is taking the values in IW 32 when the status is released.
So i think first we need to chnage the Status from Created to released and then start working on step 1 and Step 2
Kindly suggest.
2011 Jun 04 5:43 PM
Problem one solved ......
Basically we need to put the status of WBS elememnts and then write a BDC for additional data tab.
Looking into issue 2......
2011 Jun 04 5:44 PM
Experts it would great if some one has worked on scenario two. I wanted to make life easier by using function modules rather than using BDC recording for settlement rules.