2010 Jan 05 6:26 AM
Hii Experts,
My requirement is to explode BOM using CMC LDB and generating files for all the remaining months by varying Valid from and Valid to dates. For this I am using CS_BOM_EXPLOSION but it has provision for a single date field.
Can you please guide me how to pass both Valid from and Valid to dates in CS_BOM_EXPLOSION ? And if you can suggest any other alternative, its most welcome...
2010 Jan 05 6:40 AM
Hi Vikas,
There is a tables parameter STBP which is of type CSXGEN.
This structure CSXGEN contains two fields valid from date(DATUV) and valid to date(DATUB).
Is this what something you are looking for?
Swarna Munukoti
2010 May 26 9:31 AM