2023 Nov 24 3:46 PM
Hi All,
The WYDA FPM_BICS_OVP is being used to expose/render many different reports in tiles for my customer.
The developers are using this is a generic app to expose the different CDS queries.
The problem I am seeing is that we in security cannot effectivity map the report auth values for SDDLVIEW in SU24 for this WDYA as its generic.
Has anyone achieved this? Is there a way of developing each report as a unique entry so that SU24 can pick it up as a 1-1 either by using the WebDynpro or some sort of Webdynpro application config?
2024 Jan 15 12:42 PM
Hello Michael,
Have you checked this documentation:
S_RS_COMP, S_RS_COMP1 have query names
Kind regards,