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How to make all Custom 'Z' namespace objects uneditable?

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi All,

My requirement is that I want to make all the Z objects uneditable. Suppose there is a data-element 'ZNAME', and when user tries to change it in se11 tcode, he should not be allowed. And the Zobject can be any thing such as FRICE or Dictionary objects.

Solution should not be in form of Authorization objects for Tcodes. Because I want to restrict only certain Z objects and not all Zobjects.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

A clean solution would be to use authorization object S_DEVELOP, organize the objects in packages and assign appropriate roles to the developers.


0 Kudos

Hi Thomas,

Thanks ..but can u clarify further??

You mean that I should assign all the Zobjects to a single Z namespace package and assign that package name to authorization object S_DEVELOP...?

WIll the objects under that Zpackage be completely under our control??

And are u sure that with that Authorization object Can i restrict all users to only view [No change access] all my Zobjects.??

Edited by: log2srini on Feb 19, 2011 5:32 PM

0 Kudos

Please read the online documentation of authorization object S_DEVELOP, it is very detailed. It takes some effort to arrange the objects in packages and build corresponding roles (you need help of a security specialist), but all you described and more can be achieved by properly setting this up.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Try the editor lock in the attributes


Raul Natu

Edited by: Raul Natu on Feb 19, 2011 2:39 PM

0 Kudos

Hi Raul,

I have seen editor lock for Reports. But is there such editor lock for all Dictionary objects and FRICE objects present in SAP??

And moreover, the editor lock control is not completely trustable. Anyone can change it either in the frontend or backend [table directly]. I mention this i want to implement all my Znamespace components for a client, and all the objects should be only viewed [no change access].

0 Kudos

Authorization object will help you

check this []