2006 Sep 12 10:54 AM
Hello everybody.
Can you please tell me how to list all ABAP programs that uses a particular SAPscript forms? That is, given a form name, I can then list all programs that uses that form.
Thanks in advance. I'm trying to Google this same info but I'm having a hard time formulating my search terms.
-- Carl
2006 Sep 12 10:57 AM
Hi Carl,
the form name and related program u can find in the table TNAPR,however this is applicable for SD/MM modules only.for FI Module ui can find the formname in the tcode itself.
2006 Sep 14 6:37 AM
Hello Nagaraj.
Can you please elaborate your answer with regards to FI Module. Thanks.
-- Carl
2006 Sep 14 6:47 AM
Hi Carl
I'm very sorry but there isn't a way to know what you want.
Every SAP module can use a different way to store the link between a program and its sapscript.
Logistic modules (SD/MM) use trx NACE (or see table TNAPR)
FI module uses several trxs, it depends on it needs to print (for example see F110).
and so....
So every module uses own tables to store that information.... I believe only the experience can help us to know them...
2006 Sep 14 6:52 AM
2006 Sep 12 10:58 AM
2006 Sep 12 11:01 AM
TNAPR table.
just execute it without given any palue in parameter u get all the program name whcih contain sapscript.
2006 Sep 12 11:00 AM
2006 Sep 12 11:02 AM
Hi Carl,
You can get them from table TNAPR,
Give the FORM NAME and all the programs are listed
check this table also TTFXP , TTXFPT
Message was edited by: Chandrasekhar Jagarlamudi
Message was edited by: Chandrasekhar Jagarlamudi
2006 Sep 12 11:04 AM
You can get the list by fm <b>SAPSCRIPT_SELECT_PROGRAM</b>
2006 Sep 14 7:14 AM
2006 Sep 14 7:20 AM
Hi ,
Use this method.
Goto Tcode se71 give your form name and press display. Then follow the menu path Form -> Check -> Text and press continue.
Reward if it helps.
2007 Sep 12 11:06 AM
Senthil kumar,
It helped me .Thanks.
Sorry that Iam not able to reward you.