2007 Jul 18 1:36 PM
how to know the relation between the table ex ekkn and vbrk and vbfa ...so on between vbak and likp etc . please explain in detail
2007 Jul 18 1:47 PM
EKKN will have VBELN and POSNR which are sales order no and Item no
pass them to VBAP and VBAK and fetch Sales order data
pass the same to LIPS-VGBEL and LIPS-POSNR and get the delivery details from LIPS and LIKP tables
and pass the same sales order and Item numbers to VBRP-AUBEL and VBRP-AUPOS and fetch the billing/Invoice data from VBRK and VBRP tables
You can pass any sales data to VBFA and find the preceding and subsceeding doc info
<b>Reward points for useful Answers</b>
2007 Jul 18 1:38 PM
2007 Jul 18 1:47 PM
EKKN will have VBELN and POSNR which are sales order no and Item no
pass them to VBAP and VBAK and fetch Sales order data
pass the same to LIPS-VGBEL and LIPS-POSNR and get the delivery details from LIPS and LIKP tables
and pass the same sales order and Item numbers to VBRP-AUBEL and VBRP-AUPOS and fetch the billing/Invoice data from VBRK and VBRP tables
You can pass any sales data to VBFA and find the preceding and subsceeding doc info
<b>Reward points for useful Answers</b>
2007 Jul 18 2:03 PM
EKKN-VBELN is matching with VBFA-VBELV
EKKN-VBELP is matching with VBFA-POSNV
VBFA-VBELV is matching with VBRK-VBELN
VBFA-VBTYP_N is matching with VBRK-VBTYP
VBFA-VBELN is matching with VBRK-SFAKN
LIKE-VBELN is matching with LIKP-VBELN
Reward points, if helpful,
Sandeep Kaushik
2007 Jul 18 2:15 PM
in se11 --> open the table1.. click on graphic button in tool bar.
it will display the tables which are linked totable1..
or u can manually go thro the table fields and find out..
reward if useful