2012 Jan 20 12:41 PM
Dear Sir,
we are implementing Retail POS (Point of sale) for one retail company. We need to integrate third party payment gateway.
it's name is PLUTAS. We have got developer kit from Plutas (For trial ) . we have installed that kit in our system.
In my program, I am triggering " PL_TriggerTransaction" using call method. After triggering method it executes method, control passes to third party software. But I am not able to catch return parameter (Responce).
So that would be great if you help me out with this issue.
I wrote following code.
data : rc_plutus type ole2_object,
lpszTransData type string,
lTxnType type char4,
lpszTransData1 TYPE string,
ret_string TYPE string,
l_count TYPE i,
l_time TYPE sy-uzeit.
rc_gui type ref to CL_GUI_CONTROL.
lTxnType = '4001'. "----
transaction type
lpszTransData = '1234567'. " -
trasaction data
*create object rc_gui.
create object rc_plutus 'PLUTUSEXCHANGE.EXCHANGEOBJ'(001) no flush. "no flush ."queueonly.
call method of rc_plutus 'PL_TriggerTransaction'(002) = lpszTransData1
#1 = lTxnType
#2 = lpszTransData.
wait up to 20 seconds.
write: ret_string. " <----
Value is not coming
write: lpszTransData1. " <----
Value is not coming
2012 Jan 20 9:44 PM
Read ABAP help (F1) for 'call method of'. There are certain requirements for the return value's (rc) type.