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How to increase a barcode image in ADOBE FORMS

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We would like to increase the size of the 2d barcode imgage of datamatrix type in sap adobe forms.

How can we achiev this, can anyone guide on this asap as it is very urgent.




Former Member
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Hi Ravi,

U tried with increasing the barcode width in SE73 ?

0 Kudos

Hi Farid,

it is not sap script or smartform barcode. it is Adobe barcode that too data matrix type.

I know we can do in smartforms and script but do not know in ADOBE.

Hence looking for solution in adobe not script and smartform.

SE73 works only for Script and smartforms.

thank you for your efforts

Former Member
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I think this doc can help you:

Create Dynamic resizable Datamatrix barcode / images / Charts in Adobe Forms (Part 1 )

Former Member

After quite a while of searching the web for a solution on this matter and coming up with nothing I managed to stumble across a solution myself.

Edit your form through SFP transaction.

In the layout tab click the data matrix you wish to change, then click view -> xml source.

Two lines below the marked line you will see something like this

<barcode dataPrep="flateCompress" moduleHeight="2.032mm" moduleWidth="2.032mm" type="dataMatrix">

here you can edit module height and width.

Make sure for data matrix type barcode that moduleheight = modulewidth otherwise it will not print.

After increasing the size of your data matrix you may encounter another "issue" which is that livecycle designer allots alot of whitespace around the data matrix, if you feel this is too much simply:

Return to design view.

Click on the data matrix object.

Open the layout palette and there change your height and width.

After reducing the height and width there may be a red X symbol saying that there is too much data encoded in the barcode however it will still print just fine. Make sure to test it to verify this.

Good luck!

0 Kudos

This is amazing solution, once I have chance I will try this, thanks!

0 Kudos

You're welcome, I'd be happy to hear if it worked out for you since I'm still trying to make sure it doesn't cause any other problem

0 Kudos

Hi, this worked perfectly to increase the size of a QR barcode when displayed but not when printed. Any ideas on that? Thanks