2010 Apr 26 9:53 AM
Hi guys
I need to implement the Enh. USEREXIT_SET_STATUS_VBUP but I don't know the way, someone know where I can find a guide that can help me?
Thank you
2010 Apr 26 10:27 AM
You can just write your logic in the FORM. And then activate the code.
2010 Apr 26 10:34 AM
I don't want to open the standard SAP...
When I try to modify the include it asks me the key... I think there is a better way...
2010 Apr 26 11:16 AM
Yes, First time it will ask for acess key when you are writing code in USER EXITs.
If you dont want to use user exits, Find customer exit or BADI.
Tell me your requirement, ll try to find a customer exit/badi.
2010 Apr 26 11:33 AM
Ok thanks, but I've found EXIT_SAPMV45A_003 and I can use it for my implementation.